adnan's kitchen


  • Skinned chicken pieces
  •  2  Onions
  •  1 tsp. dry coriander
  •  1/2 tsp. black pepper
  •  1/4 tsp. hot red pepper
  •  1 cup yogurt
  •  Oil
  •  Salt



Pakistani cuisine
Within Pakistan, cuisine varies greatly from region to region, reflecting the country's ethnic and cultural diversity. Food from the eastern provinces of Punjab and Sindh is quite similar to the cuisines of Northern India and can be highly seasoned and spicy, which is characteristic of the flavours of the South Asian region. Food in other parts of Pakistan, particularly Balochistan, Azad Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, involves the use of mild aromatic spices and less oil, characterizing affinities to the cuisines of neighbouring Afghanistan, Iran, and Central Asia.


Adnan's Kitchen
Pakistani Chicken
(Chicken )



  1. Blend all ingredients in the food processor.
  2. Marinate chicken with blend 4-5 hours or better still all day.
  3. Place the chicken in tray and cover with blend.
  4. Cover tray with foil and bake in oven until done.
  5. Uncover and remove all sauce.
  6. Blend the sauce with one tsp. of starch.
  7. Cover chicken with blend and return to oven uncovered until chicken turns brown.
  8. Serve with rice or with bread.